
Supertone API Search Update

Hello, thank you for using Supertone API. We are excited to announce the release of our new search functionality that makes it easier to find the perfect voice for your needs.

New Features

  1. Added a new endpoint for searching voices with various filters and keywords
  • Filter voices by language, gender, age, and use case
  • Search by keywords in voice name and description
  • Sort results by multiple criteria
  • Paginate through search results efficiently

API Endpoint

  1. Search Voices API: Search and filter voices based on specific criteria.
  • Please visit our API reference page to learn more about the search parameters and see example requests.
  • For detailed information about using the Search Voices API, refer to our updated documentation.

Supertone API Closed Beta Launch

Hello, thank you for your interest in Supertone API. We are excited to announce the launch of the Closed Beta version of our API service, which allows you to utilize Supertone’s voice AI technology.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-speech voice synthesis service
  2. Get a list of available voices and monitor voice usage

API Endpoints

  1. Get Voices API: Browse available voices
  2. Text-to-speech API: Convert text to voice
  3. Get Voice Usage API: Check API usage

Getting Started

  1. Sign up at https://console.supertoneapi.com
  2. Apply and get approved for Closed Beta participation
  3. Generate API Key from the console
  4. Integrate and use the API


$0.1 / per minute of generated audio

Console Features

  1. API Key generation and management
  2. Minute-by-minute API usage monitoring

For more detailed information, please refer to the User Guide.